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| Data Tables Overview | Step 1: Choose Data Source | Step 2: Choose Conceptual Area | Step 3: Choose Topic | Step 4: Selection Result | How to Read SEELS Tables | SEELS Home & News |



SEELS data are now available on the Web! Users can download and view the data in cross-tabular format.

All SEELS data are weighted estimates for students receiving special education that generalize to the national population. Each variable is cross-tabulated by disability, age, gender, income, and ethnicity. To find the data that interest you, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose the data source (e.g., parent interviews, school surveys, student assessments, etc.).
Step 2: Choose the conceptual area (e.g., school experiences, household characteristics, etc.).
Step 3: Choose the topic.

Each selection you make determines the choices available for the next step. Once you have made your selections, you will be presented with 10 tables (5 for data and 5 for standard errors). The data tables represent the percentage of the population who responded in each of the possible categories (percentages sum to 100 down the columns). Each individual table indicates the unweighted number of respondents to the questions. Following each table is a table listing the associated standard errors.

To begin your selection,


| Data Tables Overview | Step 1: Choose Data Source | Step 2: Choose Conceptual Area | Step 3: Choose Topic | Step 4: Selection Result | How to Read SEELS Tables | SEELS Home & News |

last update: 02/03
2003 SRI International